Written Theory - Unit 1: Dominant Preparation Harmony and Functional Linear Progressions

Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3

Last Day to Pass Objectives: March 4

Read all as “I can . . .”


  1. In chorale or keyboard style, write a complete functional progression contain T-DP-D-T.
  2. Memorize the twelve Functional Linear Progressions. Quickly identify them in a piece of music, and write a bass line with Roman numerals for any of them.
  3. Harmonize a melody or bass fragment with an appropriate functional linear progression.

Music Analysis

  1. Create an analytical sketch of a passage containing functional progressions, any type of dominant function chord, dominant preparation chords, and non-chord tones.
  2. Complete a multi-level analytical sketch containing a Functional Linear Progression.


  1. Harmonize a long melody with a Functional Linear Progression.
  2. Write a sentence for piano whose basis is a Functional Linear Progression.
  3. Write a melodic period for small ensemble whose basis is a Functional Linear Progression.