By the end of next week, we’ll have a fundamentals quiz where you have to “write a complete functional progression containing T-DP-D-T,” in either chorale or keyboard style. This weekend, I want you all to spend some time practicing this skill using some exercises from the workbook. Here’s what you should do. In the workbook:
- Chapter 9, p. 137, #5: a,b, and c. Use ii and at least one ii7.
- Chapter 9, p. 138, #6: a,b, and c. Use IV and at least one IV7.
- Chapter 9, p. 139, #7, a,b, and c. Use vi and at least one vi7.
About chordal sevenths: remember chordal 7ths “always, always, always” resolve down. In the case of DP chords, you should also try to prepare the 7th in the previous chord, if possible.
Finally, remember that when writing ii-V or IV-V, the upper voices should move down or remain stationary. And when writing vi-V, upper voices should move up. There are a few exceptions. Do you remember what they are?
Update: Here’s a copy of the Chapter 9 workbook for those of you that don’t have a copy. Happy weekend!